NewFolderDialog - English
DescriptionThis dialog creates new folders.
- Create an instance: WPF_Dialogs.Dialogs.NewFolderDialof n = new WPF_Dialogs.Dialogs.NewFolderDialog("path to parent folder");
- Call the showDialog():
- As a normal function: n.showDialog();
- or as a function with return: WPF_Dialogs.EDialogResult result = n.showDialog();
- check the result:
- As a normal function: if(n.DialogResult == WPF_Dialogs.EDialogResult.OK) { do something }
- As a function with return:
- with variable: if(result == WPF_Dialogs.EdialogResult.OK) { do something }
- direct call: if(n.showDialog() == WPF_Dialog.EDialogResult.OK) { do something }
- Version 0.2.0
- Defaults: if no parent folder is given "C:\Temp\" is taken as parent folder.
- creates new folders
Cannot resolve image macro, invalid image name or id.
Version 0.2.0 - V0.2.*